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Full Version: Assignment #44: Habibi
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When I teach a class I often give the assignment: "Photograph someone you love." I ask people to do this so they have a subject about whom they have feelings, a subject that is more than a model, or an object, or a shape, or an idea. In this way, they can judge the result not only by its technical success, but also by how well it describes their feelings.
- John Loengard

Habibi is a word that exists in both Arabic and Hebrew, and means the same in each. It may indicate a husband or wife, sweetheart, comrade, or close friend. I use it here in its broadest sense of someone we love, in the many forms and relationships that implies.

As for the assignment instructions, Mr. Loengard said it perfectly. While new pictures are always preferred, sometimes the ones we love aren't with us, so please share special photos from the past as well.
My brother, Brett.

[Image: 26131-brett.jpg]
Great portrait, Matthew!
I don't take many portraits besides the band promo prints/webpage shots I do, so I took this assignment with me to the rodeo yesterday.

Always on the lookout for an opportunity, nothing happened until Sylvia tried on this hat.
I quickly asked her to move a few feet to one side to avoid a shaft of bright sunlight coming in a window, then gave her a "look" that made her smile this way.
One exposure, and this is it.
[Image: kak.habibi.jpg]

I need to work on it some more before printing, (and I will be printing it!) but there were hundreds of others that needed to be done tonight, so this is what I have so far.
This photo is the best I have ever taken of her so thanks for the assignment, Matthew.

The rest of the rodeo was great.
This is the first time I have drained a fully charged battery in a day, and I really appreciated Sony's "Info Lithium" design which gives me an accurate idea of how much time I have left.
There were only 4 minutes remaining when I finally stopped shooting, but because I was well-informed I was able to pace myself and get everything I wanted.
One of my twins...

[Image: Isaac2.jpg]
My daughter - photographed by my wife.

[Image: IMG_6351.jpg]
When I was in Mexico last year, I took pictures of my family, unfortunately not many turned out well.... This is the only one I I like a lot....
He is my nephew Javier... He was sleeping in his Mami's arms and I saw so many meaningful things then, that I took the camera, asked my sister not to move and ignored me, so I could take this picture. I tried different treatments, and this one was the one I liked the most.

[Image: P1150165-copypeace-copy-2.jpg]
Looking at the photos in this thread makes me smile.

My habibi:

[Image: penny.jpg]