DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Hi this is my introduction
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I'm Tigerlily, I guess I chose that name because I love tigers, the real ones and I love flowers, so tigerlily. I am a keen photographer who takes lots and lots of happy snaps, some good, some not. I am a mature age student doing Bach of Education. I am new to all this student stuff and as I am very mature (old) it is all very daunting. It also takes me away from my favorite passtime. Photos and playing with my new Canon 400D. I have not used an SLR for a very long time, but I am having a great time learning how to use them again. If I can work out how to do it I will post one or two of my favorite shots on this site. Big Grin
Welcome aboard. Please feel free to post your shots - and don't worry about your experience level - we don't bite (much).
Hey tigerlily, great to have you onboard. My wife did a graduate diploma in secondary education too and she really enjoyed it.

Feel free to post photos - check the FAQ if unsure.

Hello, hope you find the forum useful and post some pictures Wink
Great name Tigerlilly! Welcome to the forums. You are never too old to try anything new good on you. Look forward to seeing some "happy snaps"
Welcome to shuttertalk Tiger... if your not sure how to do something just ask Smile
Hi Tigerlily. Smile
Welcome , post some shots . we would love to see them ...

........ Shawn
Welcome to ST and congratulaitions on your decision to take the plunge (back) into education. I hope you'll enjoy it once you get into the swing. Is everyone else there much younger or are the "generations" mixed?

Post some pics! Nice cam.

Welcome to Shuttertalk - I also have a 400D, great camera. Look forward to seeing your pics Smile