Mar 25, 2007, 16:55
You can have the best work in the world and if you don't put it in front of people, you'll never get anywhere.
- Ted Grant
Every two weeks, when it comes time to post a new assignment, I'll go back to the vaults and browse through some of the older work to refresh my memory and see what resonates the best. I am continually amazed by the skill and variety that the photographers here routinely demonstrate. Quite frankly, I'm humbled.
Photography is a private activity that needs to be publicly displayed. I'm encouraging everyone to go through some of the older images here, and take a fresh look at what has already been shared. Fresh eyes also lead to fresh opinions, so don't hesitate to comment or commend your fellow photographers even if the thread's a little old. Good news is never out of date.
But assignments are about taking photographs as much as they're a place for sharing them. This assignment is about showcasing the best of Shuttertalk right now. When you're back from a shoot, and have an image that you're proud of, share it here. If there's one that you've taken recently that captures a theme or highlight of your photography, this is the Hall of Fame that's waiting for it. There's no theme for this assignment except that it's work that you're pleased with.
When you're with your photographer friends, like you are right now, which photos do you want to share?
- Ted Grant
Every two weeks, when it comes time to post a new assignment, I'll go back to the vaults and browse through some of the older work to refresh my memory and see what resonates the best. I am continually amazed by the skill and variety that the photographers here routinely demonstrate. Quite frankly, I'm humbled.
Photography is a private activity that needs to be publicly displayed. I'm encouraging everyone to go through some of the older images here, and take a fresh look at what has already been shared. Fresh eyes also lead to fresh opinions, so don't hesitate to comment or commend your fellow photographers even if the thread's a little old. Good news is never out of date.
But assignments are about taking photographs as much as they're a place for sharing them. This assignment is about showcasing the best of Shuttertalk right now. When you're back from a shoot, and have an image that you're proud of, share it here. If there's one that you've taken recently that captures a theme or highlight of your photography, this is the Hall of Fame that's waiting for it. There's no theme for this assignment except that it's work that you're pleased with.
When you're with your photographer friends, like you are right now, which photos do you want to share?