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Full Version: Ducks
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Chocolate! What with my figure?
[Image: 77_duck1.jpg]

Something for the web. Ha ha. A foot.
[Image: duck3.jpg]

I am off now, before someone says I'm a duck. Its April fools day tomorrow.
[Image: 94_duck2.jpg]

I think I got a blade of grass.Sad
hey, you got close!
I like no 1, although the something in the foreground (grass, fence?) is slightly distracting.

Good use of DOF.

Blade of grass Uli, Didn't see it until I was processing.back home. They are sociable 'Canada Geese' on a reservoir, and will come and take bread from your fingers.
Excellent close ups.

They look lovely and friendly birds indeed.... I like a lot when they come and eat from your hand.
The texture in #2 is amazing!! Wink
Shots of their feet is easy, cos they don't wiggle them as much as their heads.