On the 4th and 5th this month my towns pub (Holmesville Pub (bet you would never have guessed)) celebreated it's 100th birthday and after doing some somputerwork for them they found out that I also did photography and I was the 'Official Photographer' for the week end (Un-paid but was good experince) I sed both my camera and a SONY DSC-P8 (3.2MP Cybershot) This was the first time I used the Cybershot and I really liked it, very fast, the OSD was a little hard to use tho. I am posting some of the pics I took and liked, I lot are of nothing, the Pub's manager just wanted pictures of the people etc.
Here is one I took when i was helping the Jazz band set up:
![[Image: instrumentandbarrel.JPG]](http://www.shuttertalk.com/forums/images/upload/instrumentandbarrel.JPG)
Some old car that goes "Put, Put, Put...."
I think they said it was going to perth as a gift to a guy called Peter =P
Some Yellow rose they had on the Balkony (?) -
![[Image: YELLOWROSE.JPG]](http://www.shuttertalk.com/forums/images/upload/YELLOWROSE.JPG)
dewy Wrote:Some Yellow rose they had on the Balkony (?) -
love the first one! It's just so atmospheric and reminiscent of a Jazz club! Great stuff
The seconnd one is a superb picci of the 'put-put-put' - a fantastic old machine. I remember when most cars were similar to that but I hasten to add I was just a little kid at the time
Very nice Dewy, looks like my kind of town, I'm a country boy.
Your saxamaphone (since you lot love your Simpsons quotes) was screaming out at me to give it "atmosphere" so I had a play with it, hope you don't mind.
![[Image: Saxamaphone.jpg]](http://www.shuttertalk.com/forums/images/upload/Saxamaphone.jpg)
Thanks Polly, BigJ I like the modification, of course I don't mind if you modify it, could you please tell me what modification you did to it?
looks like he did a bit of contrast and level adjustments to it ..
I knew you were going to ask that lol It was a bit like Slej's toning, I just played.
From memory though I duplicated the background layer and made the top layer into greyscale and then made it into sepia, changed the mode of that layer to overlay and dropped it down to 50%, boosted the saturation of the bottom layer a bit, made a mask of the top 1/3's of the highlights and applied a diffused glow which I dropped down to about 20% then flattened the image, inverted the selection (negative) and added about 3% gaussian, monochromatic noise and then inverted it back again, little bit of unsharp mask (60% 0.8 6) and then cropped off the edge and saved it.
Ok so I remember most of it, luckily I didn't check this tomorrow

Teach me Master!
haha jk jk
i really gotta learn to photoshop ..
Well you live in the same city Peter, not like its hard to be social and learn at the same time.

yeah ...
are you going to the kodak event ?
No, they don't have much that interests me. The new DSLR they have is good for studio work but I wouldn't use it for anything else and I need general purpose gear.
I'm having a studio weekend shooting portfolios for some of the local aspiring models if you want to come up and have a perve or errm socialise feel free

StudioJ Wrote:No, they don't have much that interests me. The new DSLR they have is good for studio work but I wouldn't use it for anything else and I need general purpose gear.
I'm having a studio weekend shooting portfolios for some of the local aspiring models if you want to come up and have a perve or errm socialise feel free 
Ok, thanks. I'll head for Heathrow after I've found my teeth.
I'm ready for my close up.
Norma Desmond (aka Grannogeek)

StudioJ Wrote:I'm having a studio weekend shooting portfolios for some of the local aspiring models if you want to come up and have a perve or errm socialise feel free 
wow, I wish i lived in perth, studioj... not that i want to have a perv, but reading your interview, the work you do sounds interesting!
Woohoo bring it on Polly, make sure you bring your undergarments
Where are you from potplant? Aside from in Polly's window box.