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Full Version: Photos taken with Kodak C875
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These photos taken in bright sunny day.

Wish viewers to comment on the quality.
[Image: uditaa.jpg]

[Image: 42_flower.jpg]

Kodak C875
I think the quality is excellent.
As I see it, the contrast is too much, leaving daughters head in shade and light clothes a little bright.
It was possibly taken nearer midday than early morning.
The setting I like. It looks like a railway car she is standing on, and with the railings behind looks like an old station scene.

The butterfly one needs subject to be bigger or against a contrasting background, as it is it is a little hidden, and the flowers look blown. (too much light). You could try to alter the exposure value (E/V) to get round that a little bit. Tough subject isn't it. Big Grin