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Full Version: Another Lonely Tree
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My wife is a fan of lonely trees so everytime i see one i try to get the most out of it . Any C/C is welcome ...

[Image: gg%20color.jpg]

Thanks ........ Shawn
I like the 'lonesome pine' shots but what makes one better than another I haven't a clue.
But when you see it you know.:/Smile
You have beautiful colors in your picture Shawn. The light is great.
What I think is missing in your picture is a bit of room to breath and to give the feeling of a really lonely tree.
Trees can be very powerful subjects.
Did you play your composition from another angle or different focal lenght?
Thanks NT and Irma ,

I do have some more shots of the tree , shot in portrait . Ill have to go see if i can get what you are talking about . I can see what you are saying , and now that i look at this shot ill have to agree Wink

....... Shawn