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Full Version: By the way....
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...yes, sorry, forgot to say I was using the 50mm.
Though sharpish lenses, I believe they pale into mediocrity beside some standard Nifty-Fifties of yesteryear; and Canon have the cheek to get you to pay for "pro" L-glass in order to approach this now.
The reason I say this is because I just do not trust this lens with f22: have a look at this one at f11...see how much detail there is compared to the earlier f22-ish shots.
i was able to use the more friendly aperture by being far enough away from the beeches: the trees are over 200f eet high and on an incline...or else I'd have been stuffed.

[Image: longwalk_web.jpg]
I love my 50mm at F22, it's tack sharp as long as i tripod it.
This is a beautiful picture too..

I don't have a 50mm at the moment. It will have to wait till next year I think. G has one f1.8 but I haven't played much with it. I will give it a try one of these days... Smile