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Full Version: I also like spooky... :D
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When I went to Mexico last year I saw this place, and I thought I had to take some pictures. I talk with my sister about my idea and told me that it would be a bit dangerous. She works very close from this place and she knows who live there, and they were not exactly nice people.

This are the reminders of a huge building that felt down in an earthquake, and the owners never did anything with it. At the moment is the "house" of a lot of people who doesn't have another place to live. The front place is inhabited by "happy girls", in the back part of the ruins live drogadicts, glue sniffers (?), etc... Anyway, just few days before I came back we passed this place and I asked my sister to stop the car to take my pictures, she gave me two minutes. I took some more but somehow I never thought I would post them...

Now that we are talking about spooky places I thougt it would be the right moment... Smile

[Image: P1150623ragdoll.jpg]

[Image: P1150625roof.jpg]
As derelicts go it seems cleaner than some, interesting place.

You know how I love spooky shots. This place has an amazingly sinister aura to it.
I had a mixture of feelings in this place.
After I finish my picture I am working now, I will look for some more picture I have of the place.

Thanks Craig, Toad for your comment.
Yes I agree feels very spooky. Leads you to wonder what the thought was behind the strange scarecrow on the roof. Sometimes it is worth taking a few quick shots as long as it is reasonably safe, you can get some very different pictures. Nice one Irma
I really don't know.... Buzon means mail box, and the arrow is pointing to the scarecrow, but in the roof? I doubt any mailman would like to deliver mail in that place...
Very spooky! Particularly the scarecrow! The inclusion of the barbed wire fence and the shiny building behind creates a sort of separation in the 'world'. Smile Brave to go photograph there! Well done!
Thats freaky Irma! Big Grin