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Full Version: Hidden Anchorage
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[Image: Hidden.jpg]
That's a good one! Smile
Thanks Pat!
That technique really makes a rich image.
Thanks, Don. This is as close to unprocessed as any image I have shown in a long time - even natural color.
Very nice, great exposure for such dark conditions.
i really like this shot too , there is no need for any post processing in this shot ( although i would be tempted in converting into bw Rolleyes ). Nice shot Rob ..

....... Shawn
Thanks - the exposure was helped a bit by the sunlight from the left.
How did you discover it? Smile
Wedding Shooter Wrote:How did you discover it? Smile
I was walking during the same VERY low tide as left the sailboat from "Accidents Happen" high and dry and saw that the dock that is ALWAYS deep in water was accessible and wandered under for a look. While I was there, I was scared badly by a huge rodent with a long hairless tail moving close by me - it was a sea otter fortunately and not a huge rat...
How beautiful your worked your composition in this one.
Your picture says a lot in those poles, I like a lot the textures.