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Full Version: Assignment #50: Shelter
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A home is not a mere transient shelter: its essence lies in the personalities of the people who live in it.
- H. L. Mencken

Home is tremendously important, no matter what form it takes. For the next two weeks, let's look at the idea of shelter, how it's created, and what it means. This is a great opportunity for creative photography, and a way to show our unique vision. Experiment and don't be content with just taking a few photos.
Still keeping the rain out.
[Image: shelter.jpg]
[Image: normal_old%20shack.jpg]

Not a new image unfortunately.
Homes by the sea Tongue

This is my flyin/flyout home
[Image: 13_homesea1.jpg]

well a pippi has to live somewhere!
[Image: 84_homesea2.jpg]

damn! that last wave left me high and dry
[Image: 28_homesea3.jpg]
Here's the state of one of my to current shelters: (which explains where I've been this past week)

[Image: piers-070429_4298367-websm.jpg]

[Image: piers-070429_4298377-websm.jpg]

Another quick snapshot, this time with a tripod and a telephoto lens. It's taken looking through a new condo going up beside my building, showing part of a grand (overdone) old house that was styled to look like a castle. This was taken from the balcony of the condo that I'm soon to share with my girlfriend, and is a photo of the place where we met.

[Image: piers-070429_4298365-web.jpg]

Finally, some slightly more artistic shots of other people's shelters...

[Image: piers-070424_4248287-web.jpg]

[Image: piers-070424_4248298-web2.jpg]

...my apologies for the last one.
Interesting 'Castle'.
I have spotted one through the trees nearby, but haven't been able to find it from the ground yet.
Now that it has rained steadily for most of the year, the trees are so lush I may never get another glimpse of it until next January.

I've always wondered about the mindset of a person who would build themselves a castle in a modern city.
Makes me think of that Terry Gilliam movie The Fisher King.
I took this for the assignment, but had the camera packed before I posted it. It's not quite what I had in mind for interpreting shelter: when mine's done I'll get some better images. For now, here's a transit shelter from my new hood.

[Image: shelter.jpg]
Very contrasting and interesting interpretation. Very nice pictures all...

Matt, I like a lot your picture of the castle... Very interesting patters too in the last bw picture.

Pat... I love your second one... so sweet!!! Smile

These were taken in a warehouse...
I saw a cat coming out of this hole in the door, couldn't take it then so I just took the hole... Big Grin

[Image: DSC_1118-Edit-2.jpg]

They are going out going in from these pipes, I got some pictures with the pigeon going out, unfortunatelly the birds are too blurred...

[Image: DSC_1117-Edit.jpg]