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Recently I have been taking pictures piecemeal and not sharing many of them at all... Sorry, but exif for RAW files is something I'm still figuring out...

This is a sunrise that I took friday morning, some may have seen it before...
[Image: 8398872-L.jpg]

I haven't cleaned the CCD in this image, like the above one, but here's another shot from that morning:
[Image: 8479146-L.jpg]

[Image: 8398870-L.jpg]

[Image: 8398871-L.jpg]

The most recent of my rotating star pics, haven't cleaned the CCD yet on this one either:
[Image: 8175502-L.jpg]

A recent vacation shot of a crazy friend of mine:

[Image: 8076962-L.jpg]

[Image: 8076963-M.jpg]

I went to the Tall Ships Festival this afternoon and shot two rolls of 36, one kodak ultra color. There were a handful of incredible shots with the sun setting and the mock pirate ships firing their canons. T'was lots of fun.

Feedback is appreciated!

Wow, awesome shots, matt!

Love the first one - colours are amazing, and great contrast between blue sky and orange sun/lake.

Star shot - cool... got to try that as well. What exposure time was that?

I love the "crazy" shots too... they're so blue! Big Grin
You got some cracking shots there, Matt! I especially like the first one, that's awesome, great composition and colours IMHO. Did you use a graduated filter or was the sky really like that, I mean darker blue gradually getting lighter blue lower down the picci towards the sun? It looks superb! Smile

I also like the star picci very much. Some might suggest cropping off a little off the bottom of the black silhouette ..... but I like it as it is already to be honest. It suits my taste.

As for the specks on the CCD ... I've managed to sort mine out with a blower so far, no problems. You could always 'spot' them out with the healing brush or clone tool

Excellent bottom shot too! How did you do that one? Is it a multiple exposure or what? Surely not a genuine shot of several jumping off the cliff one after another? YIKES!! Cool

Very nice and crisp photos there, Love the first one very nice capture of the reflection on the water. What exacly do you mean clean the CCD?
dewy Wrote:Very nice and crisp photos there, Love the first one very nice capture of the reflection on the water. What exacly do you mean clean the CCD?

The 'CCD' is the sensor on a dSLR and it picks up specks of dust, due to static, so it needs to be cleaned from time to time. See those darkish spots on the sky? that's where specks of dust have affected the image. The specks on the image are easily cloned out but it can be very time consuming.

The CCD can be cleaned with a brushless blower most of the time. occasionally it gets to a point when blowing isn't sufficient so there are special swabs and fluid available to do the job.

It's something that only affects a dSLR as the dust gets in due to changing lenses.

Is that a Hasselblad in #4?

I liked that collection! very nice!! the last one is very cool!
Excellent shots, Matt. The bird one is a particular favorite, and the multi-exposure of the leaper is a great idea.

[Image: 8601549-O.jpg]

[Image: 8601550-O.jpg]

That's what Pec*Pads, Eclipse, a foam paintbrush, and some very delicate fingerwork can do for ya.

Yes, that's a Hasselblad 501c sitting inside the pelican case there... 80mm lens, 150mm lens, 32mm ext. tube, and Kodak Ultracolor. :-D

No graduated filter used... It's just a less than top-of-the-line lens and a little burning...

Thanks all for comments!
I really like the last couple shots. Specifically the second last. Those tall ships are awesome too.
Are you a film man? I love the sharpness and vividness of your photos. I can't achieve anything like that. Do you take most of your shots with a tripod?

Money may not grow on trees, but sharp photographs DO grow on tripods. I shoot film quite often in order to get wider angles out of my lenses in situations like these. That said, but right all of the above images are digital. I did however shoot film of the sunrise as well as digital, and entirely film for the tall ships festival... I just looked at some scans, and they're superb. Hopefully I'll get some PSD's home soon...

1,2,5,and 6. Crackin'! Wink
Super stuff Matty. Good to see you hard at work!
number 6 is great. and number 3 (the birds) is very interesting. hardly looks like a photo at all... nice!
Too right about tripods, Matt - since I have started with that discipline - the quality of my scenics has dramatically improved.