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It's rare for me to find an entire story in one photo.

[Image: piers-070526_5268913-wehi.jpg]
I like it Mattew , it does tell the whole story . The Triumph at the bottom somes it all up . Thanks for sharring

....... Shawn
It certainly makes a BOLD RED statment for shure.

Composition is flawless!

great creation!
I agree, message and photograph together means superb Smile
I like your eye for street photography Matt.
The color continuity and maple-leaf motif repeating are so strong.
"Triumph" is a powerful detail that adds a coda/message much like your newspaper-in-the-gutter photo from 2005......what the heck was that headline?

Oh yeah, "WRATH".
This is powerful journalism in my opinion.
Great work Matt. Once again yoou have shown us your eye for a great composition.
good eye and quick reaction, huh? a rarety.
Thanks very much, everyone. I saw this scene as I walked along the row of cars, so what drew my eye was the colour match between the cars and the couples' shirts. (And that colour hasn't been tweaked to make them match. Look at the front of the car where the hood blocks the reflection of the blue sky. I wish I could get my printer colours to match that well!) I don't know cars, so that would have been enough to make the photo worth taking.

I do wish I had approached the three of them (the owner of the car has been almost cropped out in the top-left corner) to show them the tableaux that they had inadvertently created. At the time, I was just worried that they'd see me and move 'out of my way' and spoil the shot.

Keith, good memory.

And thanks again, everyone.