DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Just thought I'd say hello
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Big Grin


How is everyone?
Good, thanks. How are you?
Heya Rufus. Good to hear from you Smile
Hello Dog... LTNS...
woof woof!!!
Hello Rufus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin
Hi Rufus, nice to hear from you.

Greetings to NN.
Well, hello everyone! SmileSmileSmileSmile

How nice to be greeted so!

I think I shall write something in the music forum, shall I ? Yes.
It's 6 months since I last came by........ I think........ Probably.
Welcome back Rufus .

...... Shawn
Durham. Sneakin in like the pink panther. Big Grin
Durham? :/

Who it is, this Durham, you speaking ov?
Dur'um dur'um dur'um dur'um dur'um dur'um durdaaah da da da. Pink panther strikes again.
Thought you were a musician. Ha! a feeble excuse for one. Cool Cool Cool Big Grin
Howdy, Rufus.

Been awhile, eh?

What have you been up to?
Hey Rufus... long time no see? Wanna biscuit? Big Grin
Hi Rufus - so what has been happening mate?