Jun 30, 2007, 14:57
Quite often I've selected subjects that, initially, didn't interest me, thus making the assignments more challenging than subjects that I'm naturally attracted to, and also increasing the potential for greater discovery.
- Freeman Patterson, Photographing the World Around You
Smarti's photograph in the Diagonal assignment got me thinking about all of the photographic opportunities that I miss because I've gotten too used to seeing them. There's a lot of truth in the idea that the best place to photograph is the place where you already are, if you can see it with fresh eyes.
For this assignment, pick an object that you see or use every day, and really photograph it. Create a number of unique compositions until you can't think of anything more, and then see what else you can come up with. This is a great opportunity to use multiple lenses, different kinds of lighting, unexpected camera angles -- be creative!
For added challenge, get someone else to tell you what to photograph.
Or send me a PM and I'll pick something out of my hat.
I know that this is the kind of assignment that's just begging for zero participation, but I have faith that someone will give it a shot and find it rewarding. Freeman Patterson has been known to lock his students in their bathrooms until they've shot a full roll of film, so just be glad that it's not him running the show.
- Freeman Patterson, Photographing the World Around You
Smarti's photograph in the Diagonal assignment got me thinking about all of the photographic opportunities that I miss because I've gotten too used to seeing them. There's a lot of truth in the idea that the best place to photograph is the place where you already are, if you can see it with fresh eyes.
For this assignment, pick an object that you see or use every day, and really photograph it. Create a number of unique compositions until you can't think of anything more, and then see what else you can come up with. This is a great opportunity to use multiple lenses, different kinds of lighting, unexpected camera angles -- be creative!
For added challenge, get someone else to tell you what to photograph.
Or send me a PM and I'll pick something out of my hat.
I know that this is the kind of assignment that's just begging for zero participation, but I have faith that someone will give it a shot and find it rewarding. Freeman Patterson has been known to lock his students in their bathrooms until they've shot a full roll of film, so just be glad that it's not him running the show.