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Here are 3 recent shots of Zack in the "studio"

#1 Classic
Key:Elinchrom Octa 135cm
Fill:Lastolite reflector (silver)
Hairlight:On a boom, a 60x60cm softbox
Flag:1x2 meter black skylite panel, flagging off the light from the key so it wouldnt hit the bg on the right.
Background:21cm reflector with a grid, feathered along the bg in an angle.
[Image: st_zack_1.jpg]

2# Fun and crazy
Key:Elinchrom Octa 135cm
KickerTonguehotoflex softbox 90x120 cm, fired behind the subject. (opposite side of the key)
Fill:Lastolite reflector (white)
Flag:1x2 meter black skylite panel, flagging off the light from the key so it wouldnt hit the bg on the right.
Hairlight:On a boom, a 60x60cm softbox
Background:21cm reflector with a grid, feathered along the bg in an angle. Taped a blue peice of fabric onto to grey bg.
[Image: st_zack_2.jpg]

3# Moody and serious
Key:Elinchrom Octa 135cm
KickerTonguehotoflex softbox 90x120 cm, fired behind the subject. (opposite side of the key)
Flag:1x2 meter black skylite panel, flagging off the light from the key so it wouldnt hit the bg on the right.

[Image: st_zack_3.jpg]

c&c welcome as always.

/Paul L.
All quite remarkable.
Here is my nitpicks.
#3 Maybe too high up in the frame. It looks as though you have cut off his hair.
Maybe it was meant?
#1 Between Zack's left eye(as I look at it) and his hair is a strange dark smudge/shadow/mark. Just stands out a bit to me.


Yes #3 was intentionally framed to cut of his hair, i wanted to show his arms and his body language. But when i look at it more i think i either should have cut it of more or just let it all in the frame.

#1 thats a bumb he got the other day, forgot to clone it out in that shot. :-)

Thanx for looking.

/Paul L.
Paul - The lighting in the first image is very even and professional. The pose looks a little like a school photo.

The last one is an absolute beauty. I dont know how you got him to make that expression but it is great. It suits the moody light which is perfect. The jumper is made for this shot with so much texture and shadows. Cant say enough good things...
Well Paul, I'll go for #2, shines with his personality, a happy little boy! Smile
Very professional Paul.
I love to see different expressions, and the clothes and light matching with his mood.
Beautiful light in all!! Smile

Zack has grown so much!!
I remember his first pictures in this forum... time flies... Smile
Thanx Shane,Pat,Irma!

Yes he is growing up fast. Big Grin

/Paul L.