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Full Version: Fields in Summer
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On Saturday we had a gorgeous sky. Full of clouds, but just for few hours. After attending a workshop in our regular shop. I went to take pictures of the fields.
It was very windy, but I didn't mind. It was too long without going out to take some landscapes... They are just fields, but I did it as a practice, and not to forget how to use my lens and the CPF...

Here are some I like....

[Image: IMG_9116-Edit-4.jpg]

[Image: IMG_9121-Edit-6HDR-Edit.jpg]

[Image: IMG_9140-Edit-2.jpg]

[Image: 91_IMG_9153-Edit.jpg]

I am working other pictures with different colors I'll show you later.

Thanks for your comments... Smile
Your first two are like 3D.
Did you add the vignetting or is it there to start with.
Just curious, not complaining.

Shouldn't you be packing?
Thanks NT... Smile
I added the vignetting. The first one I worked my exposure to the field with a mask. It was a bit dark and #2 it is an HDR... Smile

NT73 Wrote:Shouldn't you be packing?
Yes... but it is not so much. I have bought all my family asked me to buy and it is already in the cases, that was the most important thing. Just few things from me are missing. I left lots of clothes last time I was there so I don't need to pack much this time... Smile
Very nice Irma, like the HDR version adds real depth and vibrancy.
Lucky you, Irma.
I forgot the 'submit' again. Sad