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Full Version: Some more thoughts on the Canon 1D3
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Hi Everyone,

Ok - I have gone through the files from a shoot on the weekend and have the following to comment on:

1) The highlight priority mode works really well, the detail in the bride's dress and veil held up very nicely. I don't think I had a single exposure where important highlights were blown.

2) Colour appears to be very true - better than my 5D. Infact - it takes a little getting used to. 14 bit colour makes the files straight from the camera appear a little richer to me.

3) Exposure seems to be more accurate too.

4) Still trying to work out how good the auto white balance is.

5) The battery lasts forever - taken close to 800 shots and it is still showing more than 70% charged!

6) LCD is difficult to judge in focus shots sometimes (apparently a firm ware fix is on it's way by the end of the month).

7) Autofocus seems fine - though it is winter here in Perth and I was not using the AI Servo AF.

8) The 5D files do show more resolution (obviously) than the 1D3.

9) Noise in ISO1600 shots seems to be better than the 5D - how much better I am still considering.

10) Live view is fantastic for ring shots, etc...
Thanks for sharing these thoughts Big Grin
It's great reading these first-hand experiences Big Grin
Wow, thanks for sharing, Chris. The new features sound really cool - highlight priority, live view - must be great to have. Low noise at high ISO sounds good too...Big Grin
It's great to hear your thoughts on this camera -- hopefully it's the one that other manufacturers will be copying for the next generation. I'd love to have a "highlight priority" shooting mode.
What is this highlight priority? Big Grin
The camera gives preference to preserving highlights over shadow. So what you end up with is a smoother graduation of mid tones through to highlights. The trade off is that there is more noise in the shadows. Given that Canon cameras are relativly noise free this is not too much of a trade off.
Sounds great Chris!

It seems to have alot of neat features.

Im not so sure Nikon will be able to match that camera for sometime.

/Paul L.
I'm sure i won't be able to afford that camera for some time Big Grin
Hi Rabid,

I just want to encourage you that anything is really possible with your photography. Three years ago I had only one point and shoot digital camera. However, I had a driving passion to make something out of the business of photography.

We (my wife and I) invested in some gear as a start-up hobby/business and now that business turns over more than I could ever have believed.

God continues to bless it and I am so thankful for everything he brings my way.


Hi Paul,

I am confident that Nikon have something coming out to combat Canon at the top end - but I really think they are going to struggle to really wipe the floor on the 1D3. I hope they can offer something close to full frame at least - Nikon shooters should have that choice.

Of course the 1Ds3, new 5D and 40D are probably just around the corner for Canon as well.

Personally I love my Canon gear - but am not so banal as to think it is the only camera gear out there that is any good.
Thanks for the encouragement, WS. Although, photography is just a hobby for me, and I really have more important things to save up for at the moment..... like getting married. :|
Congratulations - when are you getting married?
not sure yet, probably middle of next year.
you must be enjoying yourself sooo much chris, I do envy you!
Have you shown us any pictures yet?
(Sorry have been away again....)

Check the Champion post Uli - they are the only ones posted so far.