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This was in a car yard, which was closed, so I couldn't get in and had to shoot through the fence. So i was pretty much restricted to this angle alone.

It's an HDR plus Orton effect.

[Image: old-car-st.jpg]

And a building at the rail workshops in Ipswich, in colour and greyscale.

[Image: workshops-st.jpg]

[Image: workshops-greyscale-st.jpg]
Nice stuff.

I really like the look/effect on the first one. It really improves the photo.

I prefer the color version of the building, very dramatic and moody.

Great job.

/Paul L.
Great pictures all Rabid!!

#1 Lovely subject and great treatment. I haven't work with Orton in an HDR interesting combination.... Love the colors in this one.

#2 Love your work with lines in this one!!... I like a lot the textures... The sky is great! Lots of details in the clouds...
Personally I like more the color one than the sepia version, but the sepia version gives more detail of the building.

I like a lot architecture pictures!

Thanks a lot for sharing... Smile
Lovely; I'm a sucker for this stuff.
I wear my ignorance on my sleeve here: can somebody tell me what the Orton effect is? Smile....

I'm assuming at this stage that it's not something to do with a homosexual playwright of the 1960s :|

Mighty interesting if 'twere, I suppose.
er...so intriguing, I asked it twice! Sorry...
Zig Wrote:Lovely; I'm a sucker for this stuff.
...... can somebody tell me what the Orton effect is? Smile....
Hi Zig...

Here you can read a bit about the Orton effect... There are some interesting links too.... Smile
nice! the car looks great, the processing really suits it.
as for the building, I also prefer the color, mono is too blant.
