Do you have a favourite aperture setting? Is there one you use more than others? Or do you just set it to the min or max depending on the situation?
Some lenses have a sweet spot as well...
Its more shooting to the conditions and type of shot and whatever the lighting lets you do. I spend a lot of time shooting wide open as it is what the conditions dictate, if it is too bright out though and I'm still shooting people then it gets stopped down a bit or if its a group or I want to include the background stopped down further.
Or as Rufus said... :o
On my G1 it's pretty much wide open all the time, as the DOF on those p&s digicams is so great that it doesn't really make much difference if I stop down. If I'm doing an infrared landscape I might bump it to f/5.6 but that's it.
My current DSLR lenses are too new for me to give an honest answer, but with the 70-200 f/4 lens, I think I'll be using it quite regularly at f/4 to 5.6. The 50 1.4 will probably see quite a bit of use between f/2 and f/2.8.