DSLR Photography Forum

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My name is Pam and I am a stay at home mum who is looking to explore photography as a means to earn money while spending as much time as possible with my son.

I bought my very first camera when I was 5, it was pink and took horrible photos but I was hooked. I come from a family where cameras out number people 5:1. At 13 I started working for the Australian racing driver club race photographer and at 16 I got my very first Nikon. Currently my tool is a D70 which I hope to upgrade in the next few months

and just for fun here are the first two photos I ever took with my camera Big Grin

fixed in the other post and now I can edit too!
Hi Pam, welcome to Shuttertalk.
Hey Pam, welcome to ST! Feel free to use our image upload facility - sometimes those image sharing sites can be unreliable.

Welcome Pam - looking forward to seeing some photos.
Thank you very much.
Here's a retry with the uploading
[Image: smallflower.jpg]
[Image: Hollysmall.jpg]
I'll add my welcome to Shuttertalk Wink
Hey, welcome!
Welcome to ST ...

...... Shawn
Is that a Border Collie Pam? I love them and have two myself.
Thank you for the welcome Big Grin

Yep, they're beautiful dogs. In that photo she was 14 and arthritic and could still convey an air of dignity.
Its good to meet a pro.