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Full Version: Never leave your kids in the car durring summer months!
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This little guy was frozen in this posistion. See what lack of water and air can do. :x
[Image: Cruz-in-2004-105.jpg]

Ugly ugly ugly!!!!

Did Jamie have a son?
In a sick, twisted sort of way, that's pretty darned funny.

But there was a dumb guy out here last year who did just that with a 20-month old, and the poor kid died. Dad got off with 7 years probation and has to spend one day a year in jail - and he's appealing the sentence on the grounds that it's too harsh!
Yeah every summer lots of stories appear in the news of mothers going to gamble and leaving their kids in the car... pretty sad.
Not yet Rufus, he isn't due until December Smile
Am I the only one that thinks this is funny without social commentary? Wink
Toad Wrote:Am I the only one that thinks this is funny without social commentary? Wink

You must be Canadian to appreciate the twisted humor. Big Grin
Oh its BARK funny however its just not PC Wink

Edited by Rufus :o
Rufus Wrote:Urgh!!

Ugly ugly ugly!!!!

Did Jamie have a son?

Those parents should be prosecuted. It's bad enough that they didn't buy a child safety harness but jamming the kid's hands in the window to keep him still is just a step to far IMHO. :o

How Hitchcockian this photo is!!! :o

There is even a fleeting appearance by the director - Petographer himself - check out the reflection in the mirror... Big Grin
That photo is just wrong.... Rolleyes
OK Colin - that's it - you can't borrow my baby son for your photo shoots anymore!!!

Toad (I just noticed that I am a brand new ambassador!!)
It seems some people really are stupid and irresponsible enough to leave very young babies locked alone in a car! I spotted this on the BBC news webbie this morning.

