I prefer the second one for its emphasis on the diagonal bands of light and dark. The first one is also good, but as someone who doesn't really "get" nature photographs, I find it doesn't have a strong subject.
I'm gonna go with the cropped one.
I go with the cropped - but only because there is not much of interest in the top fifth of the uncropped one - generally I like to see context in natire shots.
I personally would actually crop it like this, to capture the water splashing on the rocks below.
I like the first crop, or Rabid's actually, both seem more balanced than the longer one
does this mean i win?
I actually like the original. I might crop it to exclude the blown out sky, but keep the top of the tumbledown rock wall.
Amazing the number of different results that can come out of one picture just depending on how it is cropped.