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Full Version: Some 4WD photos from throughout the year (12 photos)
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I've been getting out and about into the fresh air a bit more this year which has been great. I'm also a member of a car forum for owners of one of the cars I drive (Subaru Forester XT). Anyway, this forum puts together an annual calender of member's cars, so throughout the year I've just kept that in the back of my mind when I've been off-road somewhere with my car and my camera. I've quietly just been snapping a photo here and there and put it aside to submit for the calender.
The submission and voting process is now complete and the 2008 calenders have just been printed and are about to be sent out, and they aren't telling us which photos were picked... we have to wait and find out.

Here are my favourites (including 1 or 2 of other cars instead of mine):

[Image: 166521042-L.jpg]
1. Parked in some long grass very close to where I live (beside a lake that I've shot many times before).

[Image: 157419944-L.jpg]
2. I stopped while driving along a forest trail near Harvey.

[Image: 157421948-L.jpg]
3. Near Tina's family farm just out of Narrogin.

[Image: 166933082-L.jpg]
4. A long-exposure using a camera and tripod mounted on my roof-rack while I drive forwards very slowly in a carpark outside some closed shops near my house.

[Image: 166878693-L.jpg]
5. A single-lane overpass above the freeway at Salter Point in Perth.

[Image: 157422494-L.jpg]
6. An abandoned and crumbling cottage just outside of Narrogin.

[Image: 126506806-L-1.jpg]
7. Photoshopped "cars" style shot of my car in a warehouse being constructed near home. I think this shot is a repost.

[Image: 132661805-L.jpg]
8. Fantastic shafts of sunlight across the sky while up in the dunes north of Lancelin (the same place I took a heap of dune photos about 2 years ago).

[Image: 132661730-L.jpg]
9. A friend of mine driving along the ridge of a dune up at the same dunes. We were treated to a fantastic sky that day, it was warm but with threatening storms and some lightning.

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10. Another friend playing in a big mudbowl just south of Perth.

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11. Me driving through the same big mudbowl (which was actually a lake due to all the rain we'd been having).

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12. My car at the end of the day at the mudbowl, taken at the same location as shot #1 near my house.
All great, however #2 does it for me Smile
Very nice pictures all... Beautiful car too... Wink

My fav would be #6 because of the colors, composition and ambience, However, I am not quite sure about the blurred bricks... A double exposure having both the frame and the car in focus would have been perfect, just my thoughts here ... Smile

#2 is great. I think the treatment works just fine. I like it too.

The photoshopped one is great. I like it a lot.
holy crap, awesome!
Well, you posted twelve photos here, so I have some guesses as to what the calendar will look like. They're all really excellent. I'm not even going to try picking out a favourite, because I'd just wind up listing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12. Big Grin
Thanks for the comments.
Matthew, I'm afraid the fact there are 12 photos and 12 months in a year is purely a coincidence. Because the calender is a showcase of all the different Foresters and Users on the forum, they are looking to include as many different cars and users as possible. There are some very nice highly modified Foresters on that forum too which fully deserve to be showcased, and some of them have been professionally photographed too. I'm expecting one or maybe two of my photos to get used if I'm lucky, but definately no more than that.
2, 4 and 8 really stand out to me. 4 doesn't show the car off so much - but is awesome.
beautiful shots

The car of my dreams truly; I'd love one of these.
not sure about a couple of the distracting light sources, say in 12..or the "telegraph pole growing out of its head" trick(aka a wedding shooter's nightmare!) in 6.
2, 9, 10, 11: stonking. Number 10 has almost a military level of testosterone: awesome!
I am in love!!!!!! (with your pics) As a car and 4x4 nut I really appreciate these. WOW!!