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Full Version: Assignment #62: Flash
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woho, sorry I didn't check in earlier, some wonderful work in here, I guess I won't catch up and comment on everyone individually, but I am impressed!
And so much to learn!
should go and get some shots to join in....


Ha, I just realised when all this was posted, I never look at the date of posts and Adrians new post made me assume it was a new assignment (which would have meant everybody would have been working really hard over the weekend to contribute.....)
Anyway, it's great I found this now, and Kombi, I am looking forward to you elaborations!!

This flash stuff is really interesting, as I am still working with those small figurines. I am usually ouside on one of my balconies in the afternoon using the sunlight (not direct though). I have started to fill in with the flash, 580EX just mounted onto the 5D and am working with two styrofoam mats that the dvd player was packed in, I am glad I did not through them away. Even without the flash, the mats of even a piece of white paper as a reflector sometimes make a huge difference.

hahaha! Big Grin that look was Blue Steel... I'd never show Magnum on a public forum! Tongue

As it happened I took quite a few test shots of myself while I was mucking around with this lighting gear, and I was a bit bored.... Let's just say I tried out a few more looks apart from Blue Steel. Tongue

[Image: 301084827_o3sYo-S.jpg]
3. WTF?

[Image: 301085086_MUzjU-S.jpg]
4. Anger Management

[Image: 301085348_fMRRk-S.jpg]
5. Call The Nurse!

On a slightly more serious note, I'm not yet happy with the ring-flash I made which I used in all three of these photos. The general quality of light is fine, but I'm not happy with the catchlight reflection which is a big part of this effect. A nice bright ring catchlight is fine, but the one I have includes some distracting shadows.
Here's a 100% crop from #3 above that really shows the catchlight (and my bloodshot eye).

[Image: AB_B2331_crop.jpg]
6. 100% Crop
I think you need to check back in to Westworld, er to Westworld, er to Westworld, er to Westworld, er to Westworld, er to Westworld. Big Grin

Well done Kombi, I ain't putting my ugly mug on here though.:/
Uli, I'm flattered that you think we're all so quick. Big Grin I always enjoy it when someone revisits an older assignment, and occasionally I'll browse through and look at all of the photos we collect. It really is a talented and diverse group here.

Kombi, you're much more creative when you're bored than I am. But I'm with NT on this one; you're not about to see my results. Thanks for being willing to share yours, though. It looks like a lot of fun.

The ring flash adapter that I'm considering (as seen on Strobist.com) is the "Ray Flash", which can be found here: http://www.expodisc.com/products/product...sh_Adapter
Nice to revisit this thread. Here is a recent shot taken at a wedding I photographed At Mulberry on Swan. Bride and groom were lit with left off camera flash and umbrella. Exposure was set manually and shot on a tripod. The couple loved it and it is the last shot in their album:

[Image: Bride-at-Mulberry-on-Swan.jpg]


Great job Chris. I would've been very tough to light this scene without blowing the highlights in the white dress and shirt.

Matt, my little DIY experiments so far have been a mish-mash of ideas I've seen on strobist combined with anything I can find lying around the house.

And as for posting photos of myself... well thankfully by taking more and more photos of other people I'm beginning to see myself as just another subject. I also figure it would be a bit unfair of me to post photos of other people I shoot but not myself. Wink
My last experience with flash and metal...

I thought about this simplified setup for my cherries series. I liked a lot the composition and the background was looking great to me.

[Image: IMG_0043.jpg]

I saw then I had to do a bit of work with my reflections. The dish was reflecting in the cup, and I couldn't get rid of the reflections in the spoon as part of them were coming from the background.... Remove dish and spoon... Rolleyes

[Image: IMG_0114.jpg]

Well... this is going to be too simplified, I thought..

I got used to the idea and trying to remove the big reflection in the cup the one in the front... moved all to my light tend... I tried even without black background... Oh! frustration when I saw it didn't work... as you see a dark thin line in the middle of the reflection this was the space I was using to take the picture. Everything was covered with white .... All this already at midnight... I just couldn't leave it alone.

Read my book, read in the strobist blog... and I couldn't get it as I wanted... the reflection was made by the base of the cup and I just discovered that when I covered it with napkins....

[Image: IMG_0111.jpg]

I am frustrated... Sad
You're trying to remove all reflections from a very reflective object.
Of course you're frustrated, trying to fight against the very nature of it.
Like shooting a mirror--not easy.

Switch to a china cup, where only specular highlights will be an issue?
Yes Keith, it is a difficult object.

I have made some tries already with china, and I like it, but somehow I am missing the 3D effect. I took my picture with a tent, probably with soft boxes would look better? or it looks fine as it is?

[Image: IMG_0115.jpg]

Still with soft boxes I will have the reflection of the dish in the cup... I think.
why fight all reflections, as Keith says they are the very nature of metal, so you could positively use them.
I know it's a tedious task. but I do quite like the last one, and for sure your cherries against this backdrop look fabulous.

Yes, Uli, you are right...

One thing I know is that when you can't avoid reflections you capitalize on them... In this case I wouldn't know how to make it look nicer...
can you try to find anything that would make a nice reflection?
So for example the last one s pretty good, except that the overlap of the sheets you put on the table show.
if you cut a whole to insert the cup instead that would not happen. Then if the fabric was striped for example, maybe that would give a nice pattern in the reflection? (I am not saying screaming pink stripes, but maybe just gray.....).
or any pattern that through the distortion in the reflection becomes interesting rather than distracting...
Sorry, maybe I am just talking nonsense.
I like the first one Irma,. The only bit that looks out of place is the spoon head reflected in the bowl. So why not put the spoon on the lip of the bowl (where the cherries are) and just the handle hanging down will be reflected.
We have a very long handled teaspoon (or fondue spoon), although it would be expensive for you to come and collect it. Maybe they have those in Germany as well.

But if not, then you will go down your own road, and make something absolutely lovely. Smile
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