When I used a darkroom for printing we exposed sections of paper a bit at a time. (Thus doubling the exposure for the previous bit each time)
Is it possible to print a bit at a time, using a diferent profile every time, to eventually see what is best to print at.
I have not calibrated the screen but on the Epson I got satisfactory results. On the Canon not quite so.
Or is it trial and error ? I don't print a lot and don't wish to waste paper, understandably.:|
Strangely enough although I have disconnected the Epson the driver works alongside the canon one.
With the Canon program I cannot print where I want on the paper, but using the Epson driver first, I can move it around and resize etc. Weird.
NT73 Wrote:When I used a darkroom for printing we exposed sections of paper a bit at a time. (Thus doubling the exposure for the previous bit each time)
Is it possible to print a bit at a time, using a diferent profile every time, to eventually see what is best to print at.
I have not calibrated the screen but on the Epson I got satisfactory results. On the Canon not quite so.
Or is it trial and error ? I don't print a lot and don't wish to waste paper, understandably.:|
Strangely enough although I have disconnected the Epson the driver works alongside the canon one.
With the Canon program I cannot print where I want on the paper, but using the Epson driver first, I can move it around and resize etc. Weird.
By all means go ahead and fiddle and faff about doing some home printing eg for the wall, for the family but regard them as temporary 'fun' prints.
Get the more permanent stuff, the prints for the family album and longterm archives - get them from
photobox.co.uk. I get loads of stuff from Photobox, I buy 'print credits' at a reduced price for the 6 x4, 6x 4.5 and have recently had 400 prints done for one of our sons costing just 4p per prints as I'd taken up their special offer of 600 prints for 4p. (the other 200 are still in the pipeline as I want those for own family 'archive album'.
My screens are calibrated with Spyder2 and I use/send them sRGB files. The prints come back the same as I see them on my screens. However, if your screen isn't calibrated and you don't have the means to do it - just send them half a dozen or so files for printing and see how they look, how well matched they are when they come back to you. You might find they're ok, so you'd be able to go ahead and get the rest of the batch no worries.
It'll work out cheaper and better than forever buying paper and ink but, more to the point, you'd be able to have the confidence of knowing you'd have high quality, professional prints that would last iinfinitely better than anything you could get off a home printer.
I also use them for printing greetings cards, jigsaws, mugs too. They really are extremely good, easy to use and rapid deliveries.
Cheers Pol.

Excuse please, Hols tomorrow.
NT73 Wrote:Cheers Pol.

Excuse please, Hols tomorrow.
Best to do your own crops, if necessary, but photobox will also 'shrink to fit' if you want 6x4 prints - eg of your holiday shots.
Upload files for prints of at least 300ppi
1800 x 1200 @ 300ppi for 6 x 4
1600 x 1200 @ 300ppi for 6 x 4.5
2400 x 3000 @ 300ppi for 8 x 10
Those are approximate minimum sizes for a good quality print. Even better if you upload the full file from the camera of course. You'll see a red frame around files in your order 'basket' so you'll be able to see how well (or not) the picture will fit onto their photo papers. It's actually very easy to follow once you get going. Just gimme a shout if you want any help with it and I'll do my best. I still
read 'the other place' though I don't often post --so the chances are I'd see if you were hollering for help wiv it.
TTFN. Have a nice holiday.
I have the same paper in 4x6, 5x7, 8.5x11, and 11x17 sheets. (I'm just a 'photo glossy' kind of guy.) The 4x6 sheets are so cheap that I just run one through when I need to do a test print.
If you print through photoshop, you should be able to use the print dialog to choose a scale and area on the page to print. Uncheck where it wants to centre the image and give it different margins. I get these options before the print driver takes over, so you might have the same luck.
That may be what is happening ..Adobe , rather than the drivers for the printers . I will try on my return from hols . Now 7.00 am pick up ..0037 now .. night night.

Also check whether Photoshop or your printer is managing the colours when it prints.
I used to have all kinds of problems until I specified PS to manage the colours and set the profile to my calibrated screen profile. My Canon printer now behaves very nicely