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I like backlit images at night, esp. things like this. I also tried to include the fence to give it kind of a barrier, as if to say there's some reason I shouldn't cross. There's something there and somebodies put up a fence to try and keep me out. What do you think?

Personally, I like the thought behind the image. I still think there is something(s) missing and I don't quite know what. I would have preferred a different shaped tree. One that is wider with more branches. But I couldn't find the setting on my camera that would make the tree into the shape I wanted it. If anyone finds it, let me know. Otherwise, any tips on how I could have improved this image?

[Image: backlight.jpg]
I think a bit more light in the detail would be fine, probably working with shadow/highlights and hard contrast to make the beams shine a bit more.
DJ1234 Wrote:I couldn't find the setting on my camera that would make the tree into the shape I wanted it.[/url]
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

the mood is great... you probably did this anyway but my suggestion would be to move around looking through the viewfinder to get different framing options. Like walking forwards, backwards, crouch down, zoom in/out etc?

Theres a great shot there somewhere, I rekon you just need to get the perfect angle/framing sorted.
Hey DJ,

for all I think, the backlight is too strong and the foreground accordingly lacks detail.
Try the curves, like Irma said, or use a flash to fill in the forground a bit.

I like the thought behind the picture, for mood and atmosphere I would also have play with the whitebalance and tones of the shot, try a bit warmer.

Greetings, Uli

I like it - but then I am a sucker for mysterious shots. if I may suggest - a crop will add much more power to the shot without losing much content. This is one quick crop, but I am sure you can do better with a little effort...

Best T

[Image: 15_backlight.jpg]
I like the crop idea, thanks