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Full Version: Food Court on Saturday (with color)
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[Image: foodcourtSM.jpg]

What do you think?
I really like it. It appears that you desaturated some of the photo? Is this correct? Either way, I really enjoy the contrast between the large block of black chairs with the bright signs at the counter top. The large red and green blobs (curious, what are those?) seem to compete with the chairs for dominance though. I would suggest toning those down a bit. It also looks like the red was painted on with a paint brush. Am I right or wrong? It's interesting, but a little misplaced. Where it overlaps the chairs and where it climbs up the wall, I don't particularly like it. It makes me think it's some ghostly blob instead of a reflexion. If it was a reflexion, it would only have a few slim stripes or so down the aisle. It probably wouldn't take up the whole aisle, and it wouldn't climb up the wall. At least I don't imagine it would. However, look at the original again and see where the highlights are. That would tell you more than I could.
Thanks DJ. I had to cut the reflection from the floor, desaturate the photo, then re-paste the colors back. So the color came on top of the chairs and I had to adjust transparency of the colors to make the chairs visible through it. There was a little fine tuning with a brush too.