Hey folks! So what did everyone get for their Christmas pressies? Did Santa treat you well this year?
I got some cool books from my wife, some generous vouchers from family, and other miscellaneous items. The day after though, we went to boxing day sales (traditionally offering huge discounts by all the major department stores) and picked up 2 business suits and a shiny new JVC hard disk camcorder!
Well there goes my budget for the next decade...
How about you?
no Santa in China....
One of my students was thoughtful - at least to some degree - and gave me a big, green teddy bear....
I guess my real present is the ticket for a flight next Friday, I am counting the days until my holiday starts and I can spend time in Germany!!
I gave myself 500MB ddRAM, so no I can run canon DPP on the university computer, which has finally been fixed last week....
Happy New Year!

Gold neck chains for me and my lady, solar powered cyclist, metal bird feeder station, sweets, books and invites to do's/parties. Discounted season tickets for next years soccer (does not kick off until August.
Nothing as yet for the camera.

And today, cuddles, from my nephew's 2 year old son, who we have only met once before. Sadly I did not have my camera with me.
Merry Christmas Everybody! (A bit late I know!)
Well even after years of saying to my family that I don't need much of anything my brother this year only went and gave me
a Lowepro Orion Trekker camera bag!
It's perfect for my Nikon kit (Film) and as I was checking out the pockets there was a copy of one of my favourite
camera magazines in it - he'd also got me a years subscription for that mag.
I was thoroughly moved.
I got gift cards that I've traded for what I really wanted--a manual flash and radio triggers.
Ordering them tomorrow, will be wirelessly flashing with control for a change within two weeks.
A new camera bag! My first 'real' one. Now I can finally carry everything at once instead of having to anticipate what I'll be shooting and sometimes not having what I need with me.
Also a vise for my drill press, shirts, Knob Creek whiskey, rechargeable AAs, etc.
And we got bikes--off-road tires and 18 speeds. Should help me get to new photo locations.
Gave a friend a 5x7 portrait I made of her dog and she started tearing up--gave her an even better 8x10 and she started weeping. I manage that trick every Christmas.
Also shot the grandkids for my girlfriend's mom last night--she gets the print tomorrow.
I got a lovely 40 degree Christmas followed by a 45 degree day and now a 41, stop being so happy, bah humbug

I got that too Jamie! haha
Also got a shirt and chocolate from my grandmother

but no camera gear

I got a new radio for my little twingo. It is also an mp3 player and possibly they will change the speakers too. The problem we have is that the new twingo has different speakers and they don't fit in my car. Anyway they promissed they would do their best to improve the sound.
As a last minute present for both, we received an 80 pages book printed with our pictures. It is beautiful, excellent presentation and quality. Our pictures really shine...

This was our Christmas present for G's mami, but as we wanted to have one book for ourselves to see the quality of the book we ordered one for us. At the end it was also a Christmas present for us. We really love it.
hey Irma, where did you print your book?
I have done the "CeWeFotobuch" before, which you can pick up from most drug stores (dm), they turned out ok.
I don't know that one you say Uli. G ordered it in
Fotobuch.de. You download a program they have and you work your book in your computer add some text if you like in the pictures and arrange them as you want.
The only problem they have is that their connection is very bad, we spent long time uploading all pictures and at the end they said they didn't get the information. We had to send it in a CD by snail mail. Good thing was that they delivered both books on time.
So, are you ready for your trip home?

Hope you get really nice weather. At least in the north it will be gray all this week...

Hope it gets better.
I got a couple of magazine subscriptions, one for an architecture/style and another for PhotoLife, the Canadian photography magazine. I bought myself a 500GB external drive, and a really nice book on Stieglitz.
For everyone else, I gave simple albums with a half-dozen photos to each of the families that I took last christmas. We don't exchange gifts among the adults, so it was a small touch went over well. For my GF, I bought a nice purse that's very similar to one that she already had. If there's anyone who can appreciate the need to have another bag that's just like another one but just a little different, it's a photographer.
Diamonds are a girls best friend.