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Full Version: Brisbane CBD
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[Image: brisbane8.jpg]

HDR using about 5 shots i think. Turned out good except for a bit of chromatic abberation on the outer edges of the buildings.
Very very nice.

I keep getting my eye dragged to the lower/right corner--maybe darken it a little?
done. how's that?
You did a nice, subtle fix there.

I see what you mean about the CA, especially on the left, but it's not too obvious to the casual viewer.

It's nice to see an HDR that looks 'normal' instead of over-done.
I prefer it as a way to solve exposure problems, not an effect or gimmick.

It's a really pleasing image--calm and subtle colors, lots of things to look at, nice shapes and angles, an interesting sky, the reflections on the water...this would make a nice print.
Great job.
Thanks heaps for the constructive comments, Keith.

I had a look at the original RAWs, and it appears the CA is a product of the HDR merge. (I used photomatix).
Very nice work. I have a hard time getting a simple panorama to come out, I can't imagine getting an HDR to work as well.
thanks, but it's just a crop, not a panorama.