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Full Version: My Australia-day snaps
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On the 26th of January 2008,
Down at South Perth foreshore,
Amidst everyone enjoying the celebrations,
The police and ambulance still working,
Looking for trouble, for our safety Smile

The Police
[Image: 2221181314_ee825cc45c.jpg]

The Ambulance

[Image: 2220386289_3cce669872.jpg]

All up, a 15km trek carrying our shoulderbags (mine was 7kg and now my shoulder is sore!)!
Nice captures Adam, i really like the first shot alot. The lightning really adds to the mood.

Your sore shoulder should teach you to use a real backpack, even though a shoulder bag looks much cooler. Big GrinTongue

Seriously though i hear you, the tamrac Velocity 9 that i use gets a little bit heavy on the shoulder if i wear it for to long.

/Paul L.
#1 is a super shot, Adam.
I really like number 1 too. I must try and post some of the fireworks shots I got.
Thanks for the comments SmileCool
Paul - I think next year I'll use the backpack again (I used it 2 years ago) but the sling seemed more convenient for changing gear. but overall I'll try travel lighter. I only had 2 lenses on me, but next year will probably leave the 70-200 at home, or just use the backpack.

I shot fireworks almost every time I went, so this year wanted to try different things Big Grin I didn't even bring a tripod this time Big Grin hehe
nice shots--nicely composed.
Both pictures are great Adam... Smile

I like specially #2 because of the expression and pose of the girl. To me it is a great picture... and probably a very good candidate of bw treatment.