Playing around at a SuperBowl party on Sunday.
Kat the cat meets the Cube and is curious:
Kat quickly tires of the Cube and soon becomes annoyed:
![[Image: kak.cube4.jpg]](
Cats are amazing - they'll tolerate tremendous indignities in the effort to stay aloof. I like the first image, but there's something odd going on around her head. For some reason the rest of the image looks like it has lower contrast everywhere else... perhaps some selective editing that's been a little too selective?
There was no editing except in the cube itself--you could see some of the flash's body inside it, so I've learned the practical limits to getting a fully-lit cube and had to clone a bit.
You're seeing a mild case of lens flare caused by the cube, in addition to it's blooming.
This was the first exposure--I then turned the cube (can see the Skagen logo!) and adjusted the placement of the flash inside it, stopped-down the aperture to fight flare and bloom, and increased power on the main flash while moving it's placement.
The top photo was the 4th exposure--2nd was still too flare/bloomed, 3rd was blurry--didn't get a good focus lock in the dim room, 5th the main flash didn't fire, 6th she turned away.
Man, I loathe cats but love the first 2 pics here: that light has a truly attractive quality: brings out texture, detail and mood brilliantly. Really cool Keith.
Love the cat's expression in're certainly having fun with the cube Keith.

There's another flash that's got a very tight focus coming in from the left and aimed at her face--that really makes a big difference in the way Kat looks.