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I have been looking at those triptych on black or white background because I like them very much. The only problem is that I can't get the right size of the pictures to get a print format. lt's say 10x8 or any other, and my pictures doesn't match too well.

I stored these boxes of clementines, because I wanted to use them in a picture, working with the idea and thinking about a triptych I worked my setup this way. I also considered my colors to give light. The light was just a studio flash at the right with umbrella.

I didn't want to use a heavy texture here, but just added some noise to give a bit of mood.

[Image: IMG_3423-Edit.jpg]

Thanks so much for your comments. Smile
Looks beautiful. Does a triptytch have to be parallel?

Or are you allowed something like this to fit your print format.
[Image: Untitled-1%20copy.jpg]
Irma, I love the colors and the texture. I like the different shades of gray, the cool blue-gray of the background and the warmer tones of the boxes.

Why don't you print it as it is, as an 8x12 (4x6) ?

NT... I love the idea... Smile
Thanks so much for taking the time to work with this picture.

Thanks so much for your comment. I am very happy you find pleasant the colors... I did my best on this not to make them too dark.

Yes, This crop I did now is a 2x3 fits well. But If I make it with three different pictures to fit them all in a 2x3 format, each image gets very thin. There is an action that explains more or less....


Here the images are not so thin, but if you see the size of the frame is wider that the format 2x3 hence I will need to make a special frame for the whole image.

Thanks again for your kind comments... Wink
I really like the original photo. Well planned and well shot.
Thanks Matt... Smile