I worked my composition here with the idea of a still life with this scene I found in the seaside. I gave the colors in post prossesing as it was a bit too pale.

I am not too sure... I like the contrast between the yellow weeds and the cool blue sands, but somehow find it a bit lackluster alltogether (sorry! ).
What I probably like most is the look of the wood at the base of the rope.
I tried to crop you picture to move this part into focus without losing the yellow and blue, but so far couldn't find
what I wanted....
I don't want to take over your thread, this picture just somehow reminded me of one I took at a beach one day
(in Hongkong by the way), I liked the color at the time, but then could never figure out what to do with the picture.... I think sometimes you just get those.
Greetings, Uli
The picture was a natural black and white almost. I did some post processing to bring the colors out, and I like so many things in this picture. I like the wood, but I also like to see how tense the rope comes out from the corner and then rests carelessly. I like to see that it was not something I manipulate or arranged, but it was like this and I framed it and composed what was there.
Yours is kind of abstract, isn't it? I am still not good at abstracts...
Thanks Uli for your comment

I know what you mean. My picture really has not much to do with yours...
Now I tried a square crop of yours. I hope you don't feel insulted by me messing with your picture,
I am just trying to somehow "intensify" or concentrate it....
Greetings, Uli
Nope.(IMO)..I feel the crop constrains the "movement" here: actually I like the feel of your shot Irma: a balanced and relaxed composition that is as much about mood as content. The colours complement each other and are again balanced. Yes, this photo grows on me.
Zig Wrote:the crop constrains the "movement"
true too. reconsidering....
Uli, I can see that what caught your eye was the wood...
Thanks and I appreciate your comment, because it makes me think and consider carefully why I really took this picture. I know it not an easy image. There is not story behind, there is not much information.... Could it be that the colors are distracting to you?
I worked the same picture in bw, but I have to admit I didn't think of this picture in bw, as I did with the poles picture.
In this picture I immediately imagined the scene in bw, and I worked my composition more in terms of light, shadow and lines.
Zig, Thanks so much for your comment. I appreciate your thoughts about my picture...

aah, this second one is an "easier" one, one I can like immediately. It works well in black and white.
but I think I will go with Zig and let your rope grow on me a bit!
I agree, that's a lovely mono scene.
I think your rope in the first shot is abstract. As you say it does not say anything, but it would look absolutely divine in a 40 /50 cm wide frame with a few more, on a nautical theme. Maybe a yacht, lighthouse or seashells all with themed colours.
Nice composition Irma, my favourite is the second image though.
Love the framing and the light. Good job.