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Full Version: ANZAC day 08
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today was ANZAC day. we remember and honor the men and women who fought and died in the great war (WW1) as well as veterans and soldiers who served and currently serve with the australian armed forces. (as well as those from other countries)

the police horse brigade leading the parade
[Image: DSC_0086%20copy.jpg]

the kids
[Image: DSC_0097%20copy.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0103%20copy.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0137%20copy.jpg]

old veterans on old vehicles
[Image: DSC_0110%20copy.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0114%20copy.jpg]

this chap was wondering what all the fuss was about
[Image: DSC_0140%20copy.jpg]

catching up with a mate
[Image: DSC_0129%20copy.jpg]