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Full Version: Mono street scene in superwide
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I just had to post this one, as it's one of my favourites:
Sorry to say this yet again, but this lens blows me away. Here again we're at f22 at the widest setting of 16mm. I've never once been able to enjoy f22 on any of my lenses since before I went digital, and it's like seeing an old friend again.(..plus chance to wrestle with Mr Manfrotto the tripe-hound..:o.)
I've deliberately once more kept the image totally uncropped, as I just love getting the most out of its corners....you'll see how detail is kept all the way. Not a huge amount of unwanted distortion either.
1. 2 conversions of the same raw file, each to mono, with some simulated red filtration; I did these about 2.5 stops under and over.
2. Made a combination of highlights/shadow detail in the free version of Photomatix.
3.Opened up the result in PS, made 2 passes with Smart Sharpen, duplicated as another layer.
4. Set the copied layer to Overlay, inverted the image and added gaussian blur.
5. Blended the second layer into the first, choosing an opacity that brought out the desired contrast...these steps 3 to 5 are the "contrast masking" we've heard about.
6.I then had enough detail to burn in shadow detail and dodge in highlight areas. Voila.

You can see how the lens nicely picks up the faint sheen in the pavement from the first few raindrops too.

[Image: 27%20street%20HDR%20web.jpg]
It's really great to see how much you're enjoying this lens. I have to admit that I've been tired of photography recently - physically as well as mentally - and seeing your images and enthusiasm has really made a difference for me. It's almost enough to inspire me to go through a week's backlog of Lightroom keywording. Almost.

This is also one of my favourites that I've seen from you, but I'm also a sucker for architectural scenes with a human element. It's also interesting to see just how much work can go into a deceptively simple image. (I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that!)

This lens looks absolutely fantastic -- I'd like to get it onto a 5D, or better yet, see what happens when you get it on a 5D. (I should have a chance next week, so I may get to it first. Big Grin ) Corner detail in particular looks very crisp with no sign of smearing. Very nice.
A new purchase Matt?
No, just the opposite: a new job. I recently landed a part-time role behind the counter in a camera shop. It gives me plenty of chances to play with the gear and talk about cameras, and apparently there's a pay cheque involved as well. (I'm looking forward to seeing it.) The shop doesn't sell Olympus gear, which is too bad because I'd be able to sell it, but also good because I'd be able to buy it. Although special orders aren't out of the question...
Hmm. I ignored this shot thoughtlessly the first time around - but it has grown on me - I can see why you like it. The wide clean expanse of sidewalk - it feels like you want to be there.