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Full Version: Union Canal @ Broxburn
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Union Canal @ Broxburn
[Image: 2252618927_c7bd6113d8.jpg]

More of my pictures @ http://doodlem.blogspot.com/
Nice! I like the light on this shot a lot.
Ditto, and the composition.
It's missing the supermarket trolley in the canal, that would just be the perfect foreground interest Smile
I followed your advice and looked up your other photos. I loved the stream shot. There you used gigh shutter speed (my guess at least 1/500sec, but more likely 1/100sec or more) to capture fast moving water and it worked really well. The photo you posted here worked less well for me, because the shadows are very deep and because the photo seems to lack an object of interest. On the other hand, I liked the framing offered by the bridge and the reflections in the water. I would consider reposting if you reduce the contrast and lighten the shadows a bit. It could still be a handsome photo. DP