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Full Version: A link to a few shots from the Summer Palace
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Also I posted a few, in photo snapshots.

Some lovely shots in there NT. Very nice indeed.
Looks like you really enjoyed the trip.

And... it seems I finally discover what the NT in your nickname stands for... Night Traffic!
So what does the 73 mean?
That is only the first two days. Big Grin 3rd day its along the Great Wall. and Peking Opera.

Nighttraffic was a band I was with from around 73 to late 80's, although various name changes occurred. :/
We had originally a fantastic girl singer.
I am not talking about these modern teeny screechers, who have to sing half naked to get an audience.
This one could emulate Bassey, Tina Turner, or stuff from Godspell, without breaking sweat.
She left and sadly I don't know where she got to.