Don - forgive the unsolicited advice in advance.
I like this shot a lot - it has a very "powerful" theme
, but in its current format, it feels unfinished on top. Because there is so much of the foreground tower in the photo, it becomes the focal point of the photo, and because it is capped on the top, the result is visually unsatisfying.
I think that actually the background towers are the focal point. To emphasize that, you might consider this sort of crop. Sorry again for the intrusion.
I see what you mean. Thanks Toad.
I really like the original, but agree with Toad that the crop is a more powerful composition. I really like the graphic elements of the image, but it's the combination of red and blue that makes it so striking.
Thanks Matt. I like the o riginal too. Sorry Toad.
My advice is always free - so feel free to disregard...
Very nice image Don - strong lines and colour. Both crops work.
I love ya Toad
Thanks wedding.