I have reviewed my pictures and there are some where the lines at the left are not so slanted. I wouldn't know why, but this is something I will care about in my next work. This door is indeed lovely. I most probably use it again as a background.
About the light in you comment, you are right and I worked on it while taking the pictures. I was trying to get the dishes with more light and the background darker when I shielded the setup from the sun... but somehow it was not possible. I was more concerned about the shadows...
The painting has very hard shadows and lights and it seems to me that there were two or manybe more light sources. Maybe only with studio lights I would be able to get the same effect he has. Somehow, highlights and shadows are a bit confusing in the painting.
Thanks again for your comment...
About the cherries... I really didn't arrange them. The problem was that by the time I took these pictures many of them were already spoiled and I didn't have more to put on top and cover the stalks. The only thing I arranged was to have some stalks in the edge of the dish.
The #1 picture was taking much earlier there was more bright light in the sky and the reflector helped more. That is why I have much better light in the first one. Something more to consider by the time of the day to take my pictures in the garden.
About the white cloth... in the first picture I really tried to make it look very similar. I failed having the picture in the location to set it more like the original picture. In my picture #2 I was worried about using it to guide the eye to the edges of the picture... I like how the cloth touches the peach in that picture, btw.
Thanks for your comment Uli.
I had really hard time to see how to tilt that dish how far to go... I measured the level with the height of the vase. After you comment about the dishes I thought about paint them a bit darker, I am thinking to give them another cover with the same hue of the jug. I also saw them white too white...
Thanks NT for your comment...
I am personally pleased with these pictures anyway, because it was something else and I learned a lot.
Just to follow the topic of the cherries.... This is a picture I took indoors with a new background

It was taken before I got the idea of copying a painting composition.
I fought a lot with the highlight and reflection in the tea glass but I couldn't make it better....