the first and second image was supposed to be some sort of a nightmare picture.
you cannot see the face of the model, but only the slight highlighted features and the general shape. It is sort of a scary thing to see in a completely dark room.
the hand picture is supposed to be a sign for reaching out.
for help or life. I wanted only one part of the body to be shown, and nothing else of the body.
its supposed to be scary, and also leaving you a bit scared, who does the hand belong to?
I hope my ideas reflect in the photos themselves.
thankyou for your comments so far, whilst I would change the shapes of the photos I've got them uploaded on here already and I can change them anytime.
Perhaps if you give a bit more information about what you want to express in this picture, beside messing with light.
Somehow I like very much the idea, but it is not quite clear what you want to say.
Btw. Welcome to Shuttertalk.

interesting and a bit spooky.
at first glance my only suggestion would be to frame it slightly different, less black at the bottom, more view at the top.
but are you going to make a series of these? One is nice, but sort of hard to comment on.
thanks for your comments, I've tried to make them better!
Ah, the portraits are interesting too!
For me they have an appeal, half revealing, half hiding, calling for exploration.
I am not an expert on light, but I like the siluette in the face part of the first one and both the face and body
in the second one. if you want, you could even do them in black and white to just stress the lighting and siluettes.
the hand is in a different way quite impressive and wouldn't work in b/w.
I find these photos very original, fresh and different and it is a pleasure to view them. The exposure is good. I like that you have a lot of nice, solid black. I would redo the cropping. As a general rule, which does not always hold, you may wish to crop parts where little is happening. On the other hand, sometimes, it is nice to have some "empty spaces. I would cover bits and peices of your photo and perhaps scroll and use the edges of the monitor to see what cropping would work best. The hand needs most cropping, I think, but all 3 photos could do with some. The hand is perhaps not sharp enough, although the p[hotos you have are quite forgiving to some softness. DP.