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I saw that the jpeg magazine (thanks for the tip again Kombi!)
is calling for entries on the topic of "written on the wall"

as if I had not been recently focussing on all the stuff painted and written on walls
all over the place! one of my students even told me there is a word for it, that translates
into something like "cities' psoriasis", literally called "cities' cow's skin disease"

deadline for submission is in only a few days and I will be travelling,
so I am trying to be quick.
Here are a couple of pics I like, I put them together for now, but I think for
submission they might have to be one by one.

[Image: wallpaintings.jpg]

I guess one problem might be that the writings are in Chinese, so
they don't make sense for most viewers, but really these pics are about textures and
haptics more than anything else.

and of course there are these from the time of the communist revolution,
calling for peole to follow Mao Zedong and the Communist Party:

[Image: _MG_0751-Edit-2.jpg]

[Image: _MG_0750gengongchangdang.jpg]

and there are three paintings abou hygene and hospital from last year:

[Image: hygene1.jpg]

What do you think?

Very nice textures Uli, and desaturated colors. For some reason I see something that quite don't understand. All of them have a line, was this on purpose?

#2 #3 great textures there Uli, the brocken wall looks great. I find the crop a bit too tight though, constraining the view to the signs and not leaving room for the story. I don't know how much you can manipulate your picture for this entry... With a layed image you could give an idea of the epoca those signs are painted and give that bit of story telling we need to understand the importance and to know the time we are talking about here.
Perhaps a triptik with the picture of Mao in the middle? or as I said using a picture of Mao's picture as a texture and just layed in a corner? or a flag...

#4 is a beautiful series.... Love it!

Have you tried to place them vertically? I think about them in vertical because of the format you get, I think it might fit better in a page of a magazine... Wink
Hey Irma, thank you very much.

It turned out you can only place ONE picture in this so-called photo challenge, I chose
the third, i.e. the second of the two communist slogans.
I believe I can still change it if I wanted to. In terms of frame I did not crop them after shooting, so there is
nothing to add back on there. For the submission you can only submit unprocessed pictures,
but I like your ideas about making them into a story.

hihi, you know, when I was aligning the pictures about hygene, I was just thinking of the way I saw them on the wall, which was horizontal. so it did not even occur to me to arrange them vertically.. Smile

Actually I did use these two for the homework I was doing a few weeks ago.
#1 is just fantastic. The choice of the three images and the way the compositions work together is exceptional. I'd love to see this printed as a large panorama and framed.

I think #3 is a good choice for a single image.I really like the framing.
wulinka Wrote:hihi, you know, when I was aligning the pictures about hygene, I was just thinking of the way I saw them on the wall, which was horizontal. so it did not even occur to me to arrange them vertically.. Smile
I can imagine... That happens sometimes when one gets fixed with the image you actually saw in real life. Then you show your image to someone that was not there as sees something else.

I don't know what you think but probably to reorganize them might imply for the photographer a drastic manipulation of the location. In this case, I would like very much to know whether you might feel comfortable with the new arrangement or not, as it is not what you actually saw.
Thanks Mat,

Irma, I forgot to answer your question, yes, the lines are intentional,
and I am very pleased to hear Mat say he likes the arrangement, as I was not sure
that in the three put together those lines would not be too dominant, too irritating.

for the arrangement, I have to try Smile I am not in principel opposed to the idea.

Three more days....... :o

Number 3 is the strongest for the competition. Great work Uli.
Lovely Uli, and I agree that #3 is a good pick.

They also have a "rule" about not allowing composite images to be posted. I'm not sure how you would've gone posting the first and last images within the rules. I've seen a number of other users post composite images that don't get flagged, but one time I posted such an image it was deleted within a couple of hours of me posting it!

But regardless of the rules, I think your 2nd and 3rd images are the strongest anyway. The meaning of the text just makes them even more so.
Good luck!

(I've got a couple of submissions pending too. What's your username on there? Mine is boring old "kombisaurus").
Thank you for tips and comments everyone!

Kombi, my username is just Ulrike (my actual first name).
But I haven't figured out how to look up others. Also I have not filled in my profile with picture and all,
will do when back in Germany.

Hello, I like the colours and textures, particularly of the two images from the past. I find that usually colours and textures are not enough for me to really like photos and that i like some contral motive, but these photos appeal to me for the lovely earthtones and I have a feeling of the warmth and comfort of familiar earthtoned wall rugs. Lovely photos. I would consider presenting them combined as a pair, presented next to each other in a coimmon frame DP.
Thank you Pavel.
In fact I am thinking of presenting those two together, most likely with a third one in the middle,... sort of like
the top of an altar, with a central motive and two wings.

[Image: wall%20painting%20ensemble.jpg]

..something like this. I had this idea, but somehow the result is not convincing. maybe
if it was mounted on wood and could actually be folded and unfolded?

Hmm, Uli, I agree with you, it does not really work for me either. The middle pannel does not feel to be in harmony with the two other pannels. Perhaps if you darkened and browned the middle pannel a bit?

the middle is already darkened significantly compared to the original exposure... Sad
but you are right, it does not really fit with the other two.
I am not a big fan of processing pics drastically, let's see if I can get myself to do it with this one Smile

Some stunners...1 and 3 for me?
I really like the idea of a triptych, yet I reckon that the "3" need to be shot and thought out in advance as a 3, or there might not be that harmonic wooomph of them all working in harmony. I love those textures and characters....I wonder if close-ups of single characters would be even better?
Uli, another thought just occured to me. Did you consider cropping heftily the middle image from left (to the edge of, or even into the circle of the sun?). I think that that could work. Pavel
I agree with Zig about taking the three pictures with the idea already in mind about a triptych, but I also think that sometimes you don't think about this until you see them all in your computer.

For your last image I would suggest in the middle a picture of the location you took the pictures of the signs, maybe the street or alley where you found them. The format could be similar as the one you have design for the cover of your book Uli. On black they would look great.

On the other hand if think you would like to give a try to the same arrangement you have now, what about lighten both pictures in the sides to match the one of the middle?
in haste:

thanks all for suggestions, I must play more with this, as for taking another pictures, there is no 2nd chance for this one Sad

