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Full Version: Palermo at night - a view from Moreale
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Comments/critique/review - critical feedback under any name is appreciated. Thanks Pavel

[Image: Palermo-at-night.jpg]
Hi, Pavel! Palermo must be a beautiful location day or night. You exposure captured some nice details both in the foreground and the background. (the houses and the mountains) Those areas not immediately adjecent to the harsh lights look very good as a night photograph. However, the very bright lights in many areas created burned out spots that are difficult to view and appreciate. One half of the photo is the night sky that is featureless here. You might have eliminated some of the sky and included more of the town at the time of the shot. I think that a wee bit of noise has crept in there. Is the harbour off the the upper left? It would have been interesting to see some remnant of the water there. I think it's a pretty good photo produced under difficult conditions. Regards.....Dennis
Thanks Dennis. I agree about the burned out highlights. There is not much I can do about them, except perhpas to tone them down. I also did not do a noise reduction and I should have. Thered is a peninsula to the upper left, but as it was not lit, it is invisible. I know that the sky does not conform to the third rule, but I actually like the transition to deep blue and I felt that half-half works well in this photo. I appreciate that this may not be your view. Thanks for a very good review. Pavel