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[Image: IMG_4656%20fun2.jpg]

What can this be? No, it's not blistering paint.
While exploring a park near the quaint village of Unionville, I noticed a stagnant area of a creek. There the tiny bubbles had risen to the surface and formed an interesting pattern along with the different tones in the stagnant water. So, methane gas bubbles from the decomposition of unknown yucky subsurface material. Beauty is where you find it. Isn't Mother Nature wonderful!

Regards from the enviroguy....Dennis
Hi Dennis,
Yes, nature can be beautiful, even if it's process shouldn't be described around the dinner table. In this case, I think that you have the starting material for an interesting abstraction, or impressionistic picture. As it is, however, I think the photo is too monotone, and lacking needed contrast. I tried increasing the saturation (+28) and hue (+5) in "Master" in a Hue and Saturation adjustment layer, and used "Soft Light" blending. This was the result:
[Image: tinybubbles_edit01.jpg]

This may be too dark, and too exaggerated for some, but I think that it helps the photo to stand out, more.
I hope this is helpful.
Hey Dennis, I like your photo. Mine is not as nice as yours. Gary, I like your modification a lot. Good technique. Of course, I like exagerated colours. You are not owing up to adding vignetting. Pavel Sorry - the credit for that goes to Dennis. Nice work guys.
Yeah, you're right. I always forget to look for vignetting, unless it's blindingly obvious.
Gary, Pavel.... thanks for your comments. Gary, your enhancements really did make a marked improvement to the photo. I was afraid to move the sliders too much. As I said in another post, I'm on the bottom of a huge learning curve with my new software.

After more than 30 years in the pollution control field, no amount of yuck has much effect on me. It merely remains fascinating.
