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Full Version: Forks of Credit summer bliss
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Critiques welcome. Pavel Note - the photo is significantly degraded during downsizing - it has a lot of detail and 250K may not be enough for this.

[Image: 66_Forks-of-Credit-R-w-Angela-Aug-2008-_...ust-08.jpg]
Hi, Pavel! It looks like the people are having a lot of fun on a nice summer day. The high shutter speed did indeed freeze the water,but the bright/whitness?!%* seems to have removed much of the water's detail/texture. PIty. The foliage at the top left appears overly bright, while the area at the top right looks too dark. Also, the colour in the shallow part of the water (foreground) looks a little strange... too bright yellowish green. I have the feeling you're having as much fun with Photoshopping? as I am. I don't know if this was helpful, but keep them coming.

Pavel, I like this photo, too. Like you said, I have to wonder if 250 K is sufficient to show the detail. Could that be (in part) why the waterfall lacks more detail in the bright area on the left? I especially like how the photo shows the break between the smooth undulating water at the crest of the fall, and the rough textured torrent, cascading below that. I see the green river bottom that Dennis points out, but it doesn't bother me much. I've seen river bottoms that look as (or almost as) green as this, and the other colors look good. I also like the handling of light and shadow, which looks natural. Let's see more of the great outdoors!
Thanks Gary, I will go back to this photo and see if I can do better. The details on the left are not blown, it is just that there is a lot of white churning and so the contrast is less than in the other parts of the photo. I controled this area, but water is comming both straight down and diagonally across from left to right and that does give it the effect. Like you, I am bothered by the lack of detail in water, which I see on the monitor before conversion to 250K. Julian, if you are reading this - this is one of those situations where increasing to 500 K would make a difference. If cost of space is the issue, one could give each member a few "tokens" a year to post bigger photos. That would not appreciably increase site costs, I would think.
