This is a different photo from the previous one. It is shot at 1/4 sec, rather than 1/2 sec, making it less difficult for me to retain fibers in the fall water. I do not like the cotton candy look that you tend to get over 1/2 sec and I do not like noodle chunky look at 1/8 sec and below. I then like the frozen water look, which starts at 1/500 sec, but often needs faster shutterspeeds. Well this is it. I went for more "natural look". Comments are extremely welcome. Pavel
and here is a version of the same photo with a bit more contrast. Is this getting too unreal?
Maybe just the green foliage in either saturation or levels.
The contrast makes it zing a bit but also makes the water go a bit white/blue/grey rather than off white/beige, which looks more natural.
The top of the fall still looks like plastic to me. :/
Some scenes do benefit from an un-natural look but for me not this one.
Thanks NT for commenting.
NT73 Wrote:Maybe just the green foliage in either saturation or levels.
I am not sure I understand what you are saying here. It looks natural? does not? Top photo? Bottom photo?
I agree about the top looking plasticky, although I am not sure why or how to fix it. Perhaps reduce contrast? Make it lighter?
I like the fibrous nature of the falls. Let us face it, nobody has ever seen a fall looking like it does with a 1/4 sec exposure. 1/1000 sec looks closer to reality, although we do not see that effect either. I find the top water uninteresting. Perhaps though, I pushed the effect too far.
My objective is not to see things and to create an immage to satisfy you NT, but you do provide an exceptionaly valuable feedback, because it makes me think about things I would not otherwise and try things i would not try. This is not a particularly great photo to start with. Dennis is right on that. The fall takes up too much of the frame and there is nothing much else to look at. However, fixing this photo I am learning. Please explain your last comments and let me know if you know how to fix the plastic top and I will move on.
Thanks a lot for valuable feedback, NT. Pavel