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Full Version: Pinhao area 4
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Comments welcome. Pavel

[Image: Near-Pinhao-Portugal-_DSC1643-12-09-08.jpg]
This one isn't working for me when it should be. I don't know if it's overly bright, overly sharpened, or heavily cropped, but something about it is setting me on edge. It's a nice mix of lines and diagonals, so I really should love this one, but it's just not quite sitting right with me. I'm sorry that I don't have more insight as to why, but I just feel like it needs to be toned down in some way.

Cropping: try removing some of the left side, all the way to where the river looks like it's water instead of a bridge/control dam, and then maybe tighten up the right side to give balance to the spacing between the edge-most trees and the sides of the frame.
Thanks Matthew. If this photo does not apeal to you, then it probably will not apeal to anybody. This is your kind of photo, I thought, although it has more texture and is more rural to your city. However it is intended as my version of a quasi-abstract almost graphical image. It is as close as I can get to your taste. Perhaps making things darker and contrastier could work better. I tried to previsiualize the crop you recommend and it would improve, but the photo ends up too vertical for my taste. It is not a photo that will end up on my wall, but I still fid it intrquing and I may give it some more thought. Thanks. Pavel
I rather like it, waves on the seashore come to mind. As you have pointed out my monitor may be kna../old Rolleyes and therefore rather dark to anyone else. So if your pic is bright then my monitor turns it down and I think it looks very natural.
Thank you NT for stopping by and commenting. I haven't see much new from you for a while. Pavel
Hi, Pavel! I thought about this one for a while. I like the idea of this image as an abstract, but what bothers me here is its complexity: I believe that the horizontal lines at the top clash with the diagonal lines elsewhere. Both lines are interesting and well rendered in their own right, but I don't like how they show together in this photo.


I think you have something there Dennis. You may have hit upon the reason it does not work. I do not think I can do much about it. Fortunatelly, I have other photos which worked. Thanks. Pavel
It's a little overly bright for me. There are such nice lines in the picture...but...they are leading me away from the focal point, the trees.
Scrolling back up your pic gave me an idea. (I work on a 13" screen, so can't always see the whole pic at one time unless transferred to Picasa.) Try cropping off the bottom quarter from the point of the angular line in the lower left corner. It leaves you with an odd side, but I think it brings the whole package together. Great use of angles. You have a good eye. I think you were just limited by the crummy size of the censor. Is there a rule about the porportions of pictures?

Keep thinking outside the box. Big Grin
Hey Pippin WELCOME (Very much indeed) - great idea! I was strugling with this photo. I liked it, but new it did not work. I tried your idea- It really works. Thank you!!!!!

If you use Windows, chances are that at the bottom right, you have a loop that helps you change the size of the screen. No need for Picassa! Pavel