Oct 6, 2008, 16:21
Oct 6, 2008, 19:55
Many years ago I came down the Po valley in northern Italy. It looked very much like this only with broken cars and houses in it.
Nice view Pavel. Did you get your feet wet?
Nice view Pavel. Did you get your feet wet?

Oct 7, 2008, 08:39
It was raining while I was shooting and before and after for a couple of days. I could bore you for ever with the bad photos of fog. P
Oct 7, 2008, 17:07
Hi, Pavel! I'm having a difficult time trying to critique this image. I need a story to go with it. I'm also wondering about the distinct purplish colour cast evident in the rocks throughout the picture.
Oct 8, 2008, 05:25
Well Dennis, it was raining cats and dogs and it looked like it will never stop, but we braved the weather anyway in this spectacular valley, wehre you had a sense that you are in a world before man arrived on the scene. Everything was soaking wet and crawling around was difficult, but I climbed around and this photo is one of many which I took there and which appealed to me the most. I do not see purplish cast. To my eyes, the rocks do have natural colour. I did cool done white ballance a tiny bit and I saturated a bit, so there is a possibility for shifting colours a bit, but to me the colours do look OK and much like I saw them. Pavel