this little waterfall is just a wispy trickle compared to its springtime torrent, when it's fueled by melting snow from the mountain above... but i rather liked the low-flow version. it's right next to a road, and most folks stop and stand on the bridge to view it, but clambering over some rocks and logs onto a ledge at the bottom of the upper falls yields a much nicer view... 40D, Tammy 17-35 @ 17mm with grad ND4. 1/6 sec @ f/22 nominal, 3 frames @ +1/0/-1 processed in Photomatix...
What I like the most in this picture is the lower part. The light in the rocks is lovely!
Keep clambering if that is the sort of shot you get.
Blistering! Definitely the best use of Photomatix(without horizons)...did you still need the grad then, seeing as you were bracketing? That said, I'm full on with the idea of getting it right at the front end; masterful stuff again.
thanks, everyone!
Zig, i kept the grad ND on, as the top of the cataract was very bright, while the bottom was quite dark. the filter helped even it out some, and blending the bracketed exposures in Photomatix did the rest.