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Full Version: Advice on how to match photo paper to the photo
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(Jan 6, 2014, 18:06)MrB Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 6, 2014, 17:37)Phil J Wrote: [ -> ]Philip,

Thank you for bringing those points to our attention. When given some thought, they are entirely logical, particularly your personal point about printing to the finish of the subject. This I must try in the near future and if I remember, I'll report back to you on the results obtained.



Thank you, Phil. It's a relief to know that replying inadvertently to such an old thread wasn't time wasted! Smile It will be interesting to read your views if you try it.


Hi Philip,

My apologies for the time taken in getting back to you.

I would strongly recommend looking at the papers offered by 7dayshop under their own brand, which are very economical to purchase and use. I have found these to be of good quality, impressive weight and they seem to respond well to the profiles existing in my printer. This is an old HP Photosmart Pro B8850, (not the least expensive printer to feed) which can accept custom profiles. This has however, been unnecessary in my experience.

I've had this printer quite some time and I'm delighted with the results it produces. It certainly seems to 'like' the 7dayshop range of papers and produces highly sale-able results on any type of surface I've printed on. These have been Matt, Glossy and Satin finishes. Only the person printing the image can intelligently make the decision as to which surface suits which image, and even then the judgement is purely a subjective one.

Best regards.

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